Name of the airport – LYKS – Kruševac / Rosulјe
Location of the airport – The direction and distance from the city is southeast 118̊ and at an aerial distance of 5.1 km from the center of Kruševac, northeast of the settlement of Parunovac.
Geographic coordinates of the airport reference point (determined in accordance with WGS-84) –
Geographic coordinates of the airport reference point ARP:
43°33’40” N, 021°22’58” E.
Height of the reference point of the airport (orthometric) – 232.86 m.
Airport reference point location: 148 GEO/410M od THR 14
Direction and distance from city center 118º GEO / 5100 m.
Airport Elevation and Geoid Ripple –
Airport Elevation – ELEV: FT 767 (234m),
Magnetic Variation – MAG VAR / Annual Change 5º E (2020),
Geoid Ripple – 147 ft (45M).
Treshold 14 – THR 14
Elevation of the threshold – THR ELEV 230m 753 ft |
Geographic coordinates of the threshold / g.koor. end 43°33’50.93” N, 21°22’48.73” E |
Threshold 32 – THR 32
Elevation of the threshold – THR ELEV 232m 762 ft |
Geographical coordinates of the threshold / g.coor. end 43°33’28.37” N, 21°23’08.03” E |
Airport reference temperature – 29,9º C (JUL)
PSS | Geographic direction (in degrees) | dimensions (M) | Classification number pavement structures (PCN) of the PSS surface and stopping track | Coordinates of the start of the PSS and coordinates of the end of the PSS | Basic track dimensions (M) | Altitude of the threshold and and the highest point of the touch zone of the precision approach PSS |
14 | 148.10 | 820 x 23 |
21 F/C/X/T ASPH |
43°33’50.93” N, 21°22’48.73” E 43°33’28.37” N, 21°23’08.03” E |
940 x 80 |
THR 230m 753 ft Not applicable |
32 | 328.11 | 820 x 23 |
21 F/C/X/T ASPH |
43°33’28.37” N, 21°23’08.03” E 43°33’50.93” N, 21°22’48.73” E. |
940 x 80 |
THR 232m 762 ft Not applicable |
Due to the following phases of the airport expansion, the roadway construction was made for aircraft code letter “C”. The PSS has sufficient load capacity to withstand normal operations of the most demanding “B” aircraft, without the risk of damage to the aircraft or the runway.
The longitudinal slope of the PSS is,
The safety goal of limiting the longitudinal slope of the PSS is to enable stabilized and safe use of the PSS by aircraft.
The cross slope of the PSS is 1.5%. The safety goal of cross slopes on the PSS is to achieve the fastest drainage of water from the PSS.